
Contact the author

The author of the book (Francisco Martin) is a researcher on the medicinal use of sea water. He studied its medical application at the invitation of Dr. Ilari, who promotes the medical use of seawater and Dr. Hamer's discoveries in Nicaragua and Latin America.

He lives on the shore of the Mediterranean and that allows him to use sea water daily for cooking and other uses.

Feel free to send him your feedback on the book.

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After writing him be sure of the answer, and check for it in the spam folder of your mail, or even the wastebasket.

(2025/1/30) New article on detoxification and added a few paragraphs on parasites to the article on Shank Prakshalana.

In Spain you can buy sea water at cheap price at any diet store and some supermarkets. Examples: this diet store, this pharmacy (at higher price), this supermarket.

There is also an organic bakery making bread with sea water and sells it too.

There are 5 companies bottling and selling sea water because there is a lot of people drinking sea water on a daily basis.

If you at your country become a critical mass of people interested in sea water, companies offering it will arise.

So, it's in your hands, sharing this information meeting your friends, by phone or social networks, to make the conditions where these companies will appear and make sea water even more available to all the people.

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