
Readers' opinion

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All opinions are free and true. The author doesn't know the people stating their opinions at all.

Other opinions

Free and true opinions but the author know this people (not the last two):

"Your book is a great book"

Dr. Miquel Pros. Director of therapeutic centers using seawater to cure respiratory problems and hearing disorders. ( Centers in Barcelona, Sant Cugat and Banyoles –Girona)(Spain).

"It's an easy to read book, with very good drawings that explain things well, as for example in the case of isotonic seawater"

Mrs. Maria Gracia. Former owner of Biotika, the first macrobiotic restaurant in Madrid.

"In my consulting room, I use the drawings in the book to explain to my patients the reactions of their bodies"

Doctor Isabel Fernández, gynecologist at the Goandfer Clinic (Barcelona).

"I finished reading your book today and it helped me to avoid future mistakes. It is excellent. And, of course, I am a great admirer of Dr. Hamer: he is the one who opened my eyes to understand the origin of my “personal” cancer I am at your entire disposal for anything and everything you want to know about the Patagonia of Chile. Thanks again and good luck. Wish you all the best."

A reader from Patagonia, Chile.

"Hello Francisco. I received your book, which I skimmed over because I am not sick. However, I found the part that interested me, which comforted me and allowed me to create my own Quinton water if we can call it like that. I live in Corsica (Propriano) where I have at my disposal clear sea water, spring water in abundance which I mix 1 for 5 with organic and local lemon juice of course. I drink it regularly or mixed with my daily vegetable juice and in 6 weeks, I regained a beautiful energy at 60 years old that I intend to keep by maintaining a healthy life in contact of the sea that I adore. So in addition to drinking it, it's magnificent. Thank you for this book. Sincerely, X."

A reader from Corsica (Mediterranean Sea).

(2025/1/30) New article on detoxification and added a few paragraphs on parasites to the article on Shank Prakshalana.

In Spain you can buy sea water at cheap price at any diet store and some supermarkets. Examples: this diet store, this pharmacy (at higher price), this supermarket.

There is also an organic bakery making bread with sea water and sells it too.

There are 5 companies bottling and selling sea water because there is a lot of people drinking sea water on a daily basis.

If you at your country become a critical mass of people interested in sea water, companies offering it will arise.

So, it's in your hands, sharing this information meeting your friends, by phone or social networks, to make the conditions where these companies will appear and make sea water even more available to all the people.

Work in progress.

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