
Anatomy of teeth

Teeth are part of our body. The inside is full of living cells. On the outside there are more and more minerals between the cells, making the outer surface very hard.

The innermost part is where the blood vessels that feed the cells of the tooth, and a nerve, are located. If you ever have a tooth extracted, you will see that, at the end of each root, there is a small hole where a vein, artery and nerve used to come out.

Endodontic tooth. You can see some irons coming out of the holes at the ends of the roots where the vein, artery and nerve fibre used to enter.
Endodontic tooth, root canal

Broken endodontic tooth showing where the vein, artery and nerve fibre used to feed the cells of the tooth.
Broken endodontic tooth, root canal

In Spain there is a convent of nuns (Poor Clares) who have declared that there is no pope since Pius XII. As a result, their "bishop" has stolen their bank accounts and is trying to expel them from their monasteries. He says they had less than 6,000 euros. (Even more shameful act, for stealing good poor nuns of what little money they had. They are poor: they had to mortgage one of their monasteries). They ask for support (money, materials or diffusion of their situation). Their website is tehagoluz.com and their Instagram account.

As you can see, on 6/14/2024 I've added many articles.

In Spain you can buy sea water at cheap price at any diet store and some supermarkets. Examples: this diet store, this pharmacy (at higher price), this supermarket.

There is also an organic bakery making bread with sea water and sells it too.

There are 5 companies bottling and selling sea water because there is a lot of people drinking sea water on a daily basis.

If you at your country become a critical mass of people interested in sea water, companies offering it will arise.

So, it's in your hands, sharing this information meeting your friends, by phone or social networks, to make the conditions where these companies will appear and make sea water even more available to all the people.

Work in progress.

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