
Sugars comparison:refined (white), brown, mascabado, panela

Some people say that what comes out of factories are chemical products, and that this cannot be food.

What comes out of factories?: sugar, refined salt, fructose,...

(Fructose is not made from fruit, but from corn).

Experience is the proof

Give up sugar and all products containing it (or similar things like sucrose, glucose, dextrose, fructose,...) for a while. You will be surprised to find it in almost all manufactured products (in Mexico, for example, almost all bread sold in supermarkets contains sugar).

Observe the results

In the behaviour of your children, in the way women's periods are (less painful), in acne,...

If you are convinced of how beneficial it is to get rid of sugar and decide to stop taking it completely, remember how beneficial it is to break our resolutions from time to time, and once in a while, give ourselves a treat and have something sugary.

We can take advantage when we go to see our granny who has made us a cake with lots of sugar and lots of love. In those cases, we don't just have a piece, we repeat.

Among all the things we should stop taking in refined form (flour, rice, salt, oil,...) the most important by far are sugar and refined salt.

It is relatively easy to find flour and brown rice, sea salt,... and for thousands of years we have been taking them.

Not so sugar.

And the Church could not warn us against it because it did not exist in Christ's time. Nor in the time of the fathers of medicine: Galen (2nd century), Hippocrates (5th century BC), Paracelsus (Switzerland, 16th century). It was not a common product until the Persians began to produce it around the 7th century.

And it was not so refined (white) until the early 19th century.

It is not for nothing that countries like Singapore have banned the sale of sugary drinks in schools.

You can substitute the sugary flavour with honey, sultanas, fried bananas or dates (matte, not doused with glucose syrup).

Easier still:

You can use 'panela', 'piloncillo', which is the dehydrated juice of sugar cane, without further treatment. It is available in two forms: as a powder or as a round tablet. (In the second case it has to be dissolved in water for a few hours). It is dark brown in colour.

Comparative analysis of the composition of refined (white) sugar, mascabado and panela:

Comparison white refined sugar mascabado panela
Source document here.


"Well, I take sugar and nothing happens to me".

Just because I do not notice anything does not mean that my body is not being harmed:

- I may be young or strong and able to attack my body and withstand the blow,

- I may have ailments that I don't think are related to sugar (but really it aggravates them).

"If we have glucose (a type of sugar) in our blood, it won't be so bad to eat sugar".

Cars that run on petrol or diesel, take it from a tank little by little, filter it, sometimes heat it, pulverise it by putting it in the explosion chamber and there they make it explode at very precise moments. This explosion causes a cylinder to move, which then moves an axle, which moves gears, until it turns the wheels.

In other words, they are moved by many very small explosions (30 per second) produced in a very controlled way in terms of power and timing.

If we explode sticks of dynamite next to the car, it will also move, but not in the way we want it to, because the car does not know how to use the power of these explosions.

When we eat brown rice, the body transforms it into glucose, which it stores in the liver for use in the right amount at the right moment (in the same controlled way as a car uses petrol).

If we put a large amount of glucose (in the form of sugar, fructose, sucrose, etc.) into the body, that glucose is directly usable by all the cells, but they have almost certainly not asked for it in that quantity or at that rate. They do not know what to do with so much glucose. Rather, it disturbs their normal activity. They try to consume it through frenetic activity, not suited to the circumstances. For example, in the form of hyperactive children, or children who can't fall asleep at night because they have eaten a sugary dinner.

Our body is made to work in one way: by eating more or less natural things: potatoes, bread, rice, maize, meat, fish, fruit,.... not to eat chemical products (which come out of big factories, processed at high temperatures, or using other chemicals in their production).

"Soft drinks have the same chemical composition as fruit: water, sugars and something else that gives them colour. They can't be that bad".

We are used to / resigned to drinking soft drinks instead of natural fruit juices.

But what would we say if, when dining in a restaurant, we were brought, instead of a bottle of wine, a bottle with a mixture of water, alcohol and colourings, manufactured in an industry?

The waiter could tell us the same thing: what is wine other than water, alcohol and substances that give it colour?

Why do we not accept an artificial wine, made in an industry, but we do accept a soft drink?


Sugar Blues is the classic book on the subject.

Enjoyable, it explains how all epidemics have been among people who took refined foods: in the cities, on warships and expeditionary ships; not in the countryside, among poor people.

It explains the history of sugar and how it was an important source of taxes.

It is a difficult book to find in bookshops. You can get it in electronic format on the internet (in Spanish or English).

An experience

I know a boy who participated in his school in a literary competition organised by a well-known brand of sugary drinks. As he got the best position in his class, he went, together with hundreds of other children, to a big hall where the final awards ceremony took place. At no time during the ceremony - entrance, break, exit - were they given drinks from the sponsoring company. Probably the cause was not economic (to save a few hundred litres of drinks), but... several hundred children gathered in an assembly hall after having a sugary drink would have been totally unmanageable.

(2025/1/30) New article on detoxification and added a few paragraphs on parasites to the article on Shank Prakshalana.

In Spain you can buy sea water at cheap price at any diet store and some supermarkets. Examples: this diet store, this pharmacy (at higher price), this supermarket.

There is also an organic bakery making bread with sea water and sells it too.

There are 5 companies bottling and selling sea water because there is a lot of people drinking sea water on a daily basis.

If you at your country become a critical mass of people interested in sea water, companies offering it will arise.

So, it's in your hands, sharing this information meeting your friends, by phone or social networks, to make the conditions where these companies will appear and make sea water even more available to all the people.

Work in progress.

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