
Shank Prakshalana (complete digestive tract cleansing)

It's a simple and effective bowel cleansing made at home.Shank prakshalana

It consists of drinking slightly salty water ("isotonic", see the reason below) and making a few movements until what comes out through the anus is just as transparent as what enters through the mouth.

It's a technique called "Shank Prakshalana" and it's been used for 5,000 years in India.

The advantage over other techniques like enemas or colon hydrotherapy are:


It is recommended that the first time we do it with a health professional. He will advise us on possible incompatibilities (e.g. pregnant women) and expected benefits for our health.

In ancient times it was recommended doing it at least once every change of season, to prepare the body for the new foods and climate.


Water with sea salt (although refined and sea salt are very similar, as explained in this other article, it's better to use sea salt), at the same concentration of salts in the body (which is why it is called "isotonic", with 9 grams of salt per liter of liquid), at body temperature (like a consommé). (9 grams are a level tablespoon).

If we do not measure the salt well and add too much salt, drinking will make us thirsty. Thirst for water without salt. (Obviously then we have to drink unsalted water).

If we can use sea water, the better (in the proportion of one glass of sea water and three of fresh water).

(If we use sea water, it is better to heat it in a water bath, or slowly stirring continuously and not above 111 degrees F. -which is the maximum temperature we can endure without burning-, so that it maintains its best properties).

It is not convenient to do it with pure sea water (without dilution) because the intestine will be irritated uselessly with so much salt.

(If we put too little salt, it will make us urinate more and force the kidneys to work more, if we put too much salt it will make us thirsty - for water without salt).


It simply consists of drinking glasses of water (2 small glasses at a time) and executing a few simple movements to circulate the water through the digestive tract.

If after 6 glasses we cannot defecate, it is advisable to do an enema to undo the congestion from below. (We can use the same water or pure -undiluted- sea water).

If the stomach feels full and not the belly, we have to repeat the first exercise. If we feel full in the belly, we do not drink more water and continue doing the movements.

When we have practice we can do this procedure without the movements, and replace them with our daily tasks: washing clothes, children, doing DIY, ... we have to reserve one to three hours on the morning of a holiday where we can go to a toilet regularly (although without urgency).

While doing the procedure is advisable to write down the glasses we drink and how are the stools.

It is convenient that the previous days we eat vegetables so that the stools are less compact, hard. Or we can have a couple of small glasses of pure sea water that will soften our stools.

We stock up to 6 liters of water per person and we organize ourselves so that it does not get cold.

It is advisable to have a little Vaseline on hand, or better, not to use paper but to wash with water -no soap-, as many cultures do, because with paper we irritate the anus after several cleanings. And then we wash our hands.

After the intestinal lavage we should not drink anything before eating, from half an hour to an hour after the last evacuation. The first meals we have to take all food cooked (no salads, raw fruit, etc.) and not take whole foods, milk or yogurt, alcohol, coffee, tea.


We have to do them all quickly, in about a minute:

To get the water out of the stomach

Standing with our feet 30 cm apart. Arms extended upward with hands clasped palms up. We bend sideways 6 times on each side. We only move the trunk, the hips and feet remain still. It is not a turn that has the spine as its axis, but rather the trunk always looks forward, bending us at the waist.

Intestines cleansing first movement

Intestines cleansing first movement b

For the water to advance through the intestine

Standing with our feet 30 cm apart. Right arm extended to the right horizontal with the palm facing down. Left arm horizontal and place it bent with the hand touching the clavicle. We rotate the trunk so that the extended arm goes backwards, while we look at the tips of its fingers and then to the other side (4 times on each side).

Intestines cleansing second movement

Intestines cleansing movement 2b

To keep water moving through the small intestine

Lying face down and lifting the trunk and head with arms extended. Only the toes (30 cm apart) and the palms of the hands (facing forward, each below your shoulder) touch the ground. We turn the head, arms and trunk to one side until we see the opposite heel. (We do it 4 times on each side).

Intestines cleansing third movement

Intestines cleansing third movement b

For the water to move through the colon

Sitting on the floor with our legs stretched together and our body raised, supported by our outstretched arms. We bend the right leg and pass it over the left while keep grabbing the right foot with the right hand. We turn the body to the left and look back. (We do it 4 times on each side).

Intestines cleansing fourth movement

Intestines cleansing fourth movement b

Why use isotonic water for bowel cleansing?

Our intestine is like a membrane (a wall with small holes):

If what passes through the intestine is fresh water, it is absorbed and eliminated by the kidney (and urinated).

If what passes through the intestine is very salty water, then the water that we have in the serum, in the body, goes through the anus (and we become dehydrated).

If what passes through the intestine is isotonic water (9 gr./litre) it neither assimilates nor sucks water from our serum (neither makes us urinate nor dehydrates us).

It passes without altering our serum, but it is dragging the materials it finds retained within the intestine.

This is based on the physical principle called osmosis: if we have pure water on one side of a membrane (which has pores that allow water to pass through but not salts) and on the other side we have salt water, the pure water passes to where there is the salty water.

In Spain there is a convent of nuns (Poor Clares) who have declared that there is no pope since Pius XII. As a result, their "bishop" has stolen their bank accounts and is trying to expel them from their monasteries. He says they had less than 6,000 euros. (Even more shameful act, for stealing good poor nuns of what little money they had. They are poor: they had to mortgage one of their monasteries). They ask for support (money, materials or diffusion of their situation). Their website is tehagoluz.com and their Instagram account.

As you can see, on 6/14/2024 I've added many articles.

In Spain you can buy sea water at cheap price at any diet store and some supermarkets. Examples: this diet store, this pharmacy (at higher price), this supermarket.

There is also an organic bakery making bread with sea water and sells it too.

There are 5 companies bottling and selling sea water because there is a lot of people drinking sea water on a daily basis.

If you at your country become a critical mass of people interested in sea water, companies offering it will arise.

So, it's in your hands, sharing this information meeting your friends, by phone or social networks, to make the conditions where these companies will appear and make sea water even more available to all the people.

Work in progress.

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