
Videos of Dr. Ilari (citing breast cancer)

Breast removal is not necessary

Video citing that in 98% of cases, mastectomy is not necessary (minute 3:45).

Interview in Canal 33 (Public television channel in Catalonia, Spain) (4/6/2015) (in Catalan)

(In this video she doesn't quote Hamer, despite the fact that she is its promoter throughout Latin America: she organizes GNM courses in the main universities of Nicaragua, she has just taught GNM courses in Barcelona, etc.) (She does talk about him in the other videos).

View the video in full screen mode.

Video commenting the law 774 (in Nicaragua) about the national health system taking in charge of alternative therapies

Index of scenes (minute: second):

0: 0 Explanation of the law of legal equalization of alternative therapies with conventional therapies.

6:18 Beginning of the exposition on the qualities of sea water

20:15 Beginning of the presentation of Dr. Hamer's discoveries (theoretical presentation)

22:58 Explanation of cases of cancer treated following Hamer's approach (prostate)

23:09 Ductal carcinoma of the breast

24:10 Tumors are eliminated by the body and disappear or become encapsulated (and then can be removed surgically, easily and without haste, without any seriousness of the intervention).

24:18 Metastases (actually new cancers caused by new psychic shocks caused by the diagnosis and other circumstances)

24:30 She talks about the "frightening" language that doctors usually use (she puts the case of a breast cancer).

25:40 Following Hamer's approach, in her medical practice hardly uses antibiotics (or any other medication), except in exceptional cases.

27:37 Healing of chronically ill patients who manage to stop taking medication gradually.

28:20 She dispenses with all antidepressants and anxiolytics that are no longer necessary with alternative therapies and Hamer's approach, because it improves insomnia and the whole condition of the patient.

Detailed transcript from minute 25:40:

There would be some case that maybe I would use antibiotics, but normally I hardly use them. I have seen that patients taking medications, such as antihypertensives, antidiabetics, need medications all their lives until they die, and maybe more and more, more and more expensive and sophisticated. Through sea water, the approach from the German New Medicine, attending and resolving the "conflict" (emotional shock), Bach flower therapy, etc. and different alternative therapies, the person decreases the amount of medications he/she takes. I do not suspend them suddenly because I am afraid of a rebound effect or something like that. Above all, I also suspend the antidepressants, sleeping medication, etc. When I receive donations of antidepressants and anxiolytics and sleeping medication, I donate them to the psychiatric hospital that does not yet know the alternative. Those medications are apart from my medical therapy, because with all the above mentioned therapies insomnia improves, all emotional disorders improve, physical illnesses improve,.... When with seawater and all these therapies we lower the medication until it is completely suspended, the patient is cured and without drugs. With a normal pressure, better than before,...

Lecture at the Mexican Senate

On March 7, 2014, she gave a lecture on the subject at the Senate of Mexico:

conference of Dr. Ilari in the Senate of Mexico

conference in the Senate of Mexico

See here other doctors who recommend (in most cases) not to treat cancer.

In Spain there is a convent of nuns (Poor Clares) who have declared that there is no pope since Pius XII. As a result, their "bishop" has stolen their bank accounts and is trying to expel them from their monasteries. He says they had less than 6,000 euros. (Even more shameful act, for stealing good poor nuns of what little money they had. They are poor: they had to mortgage one of their monasteries). They ask for support (money, materials or diffusion of their situation). Their website is tehagoluz.com and their Instagram account.

As you can see, on 6/14/2024 I've added many articles.

In Spain you can buy sea water at cheap price at any diet store and some supermarkets. Examples: this diet store, this pharmacy (at higher price), this supermarket.

There is also an organic bakery making bread with sea water and sells it too.

There are 5 companies bottling and selling sea water because there is a lot of people drinking sea water on a daily basis.

If you at your country become a critical mass of people interested in sea water, companies offering it will arise.

So, it's in your hands, sharing this information meeting your friends, by phone or social networks, to make the conditions where these companies will appear and make sea water even more available to all the people.

Work in progress.

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