
Effect of sea water

The cells of our body, although it may seem otherwise, do not touch each other. They are surrounded by a liquid. (1) Cells, (2) liquid between them.

cells and liquid between them

(In some places this liquid contains so many minerals that it almost does not seem that there are living cells. This happens in the teeth and bones, which is why they look like dead things to us. In reality, there are living cells inside and that is why a vein, an artery and a nerve fiber enter through each root of each tooth to nourish them).

This liquid surrounding the cells is very similar to diluted sea water (*).

The cells receive their nourishment and get rid of their waste through its surface. This surface is bathed, in contact with this liquid. If this liquid is dirty, the cells cannot feed well and cannot get rid of their wastes. It is normal that we do not feel well. If that liquid is dirty, the food we take in does not reach our cells.

If our liquid is dirty, it is as if we had the corridors of our house full of old junk. We would have a hard time using the rooms, the bathroom or the kitchen. We would not live well.

In car engines something similar happens: the moving parts do not touch each other, there is the oil that facilitates their movement. If the oil is dirty, the movement is more difficult, so it consumes more, heats up more and runs less.

When we drink sea water we are changing that dirty liquid for a clean one, so all the cells start to work better. We feel better, with more energy.

The liquid between the cells can be dirty because we take artificial chemicals (from industrial food, medicines), or intoxicants like alcohol(**), or it can be dirty because of the normal wastes from the functioning of the cells. Wastes that can accumulate around them and not reach the organs of excretion if we do not exercise enough. That is to say: in addition to drinking sea water, we should walk at a good pace for half an hour a day (or other exercise) to help move all that liquid and the new clean liquid that we ingest replaces the dirty one around the cells.


By drinking sea water, all the cells, the entire body, returns to normal functioning. One of the tasks that the body does continuously is to renew and repair damages or unbalances that we may have (osteoporosis, herniated discs, hypertension,...).

It is possible that our body has pending repairs to be done, and sea water allows it to start doing them.

It is convenient to know the discoveries of Dr. Hamer to understand correctly the symptoms that these repairs can produce. Being the symptoms of a repair, they are something beneficial, not something to be eliminated. In another article we explain it more.

Who notices the effect the most

When drinking seawater, those who have the dirtiest internal fluids notice the most improvement:


The French vade mecum of 1975 said so. It is also proven by scientists that white blood cells can only live in our blood or in diluted sea water. And the experience of many people shows that we can inject a large amount of diluted sea water without any harmful effect.

Sea water diluted with pure water up to 25% (one glass of sea water mixed with three glasses of normal water). The sea water contains 36 grams of salts per liter and this liquid only a quarter: 9 grams of salts per liter). sea water thus diluted is called "isotonic", which means "with the same concentration of salts as our body fluids, especially blood plasma".


The author of the book, in the study he conducted in Nicaragua, collected some experience of reduction of alcohol dependence thanks to the intake of sea water.

(2025/1/30) New article on detoxification and added a few paragraphs on parasites to the article on Shank Prakshalana.

In Spain you can buy sea water at cheap price at any diet store and some supermarkets. Examples: this diet store, this pharmacy (at higher price), this supermarket.

There is also an organic bakery making bread with sea water and sells it too.

There are 5 companies bottling and selling sea water because there is a lot of people drinking sea water on a daily basis.

If you at your country become a critical mass of people interested in sea water, companies offering it will arise.

So, it's in your hands, sharing this information meeting your friends, by phone or social networks, to make the conditions where these companies will appear and make sea water even more available to all the people.

Work in progress.

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