
Neural therapy

In Nineveh they unearthed a stone engraved in cuneiform characters from 650 B.C. On it was written: "The pains in the king's head, arms and feet come from his teeth, there is no other choice but to pull them out! Lucia Barrera GirĂ³n (www.terapianeural.com)

The information presented here is mainly taken from Dr. Adler's book (which you can download here).

Basic principle

Like Chinese medicine, it says that the body has channels through which energy flows ("meridians"). There are several channels and each channel runs up and down the body through various organs. Each organ needs the energy flowing through the channel to function properly. Certain circumstances (e.g. a scar) can interrupt the flow of energy through that channel and make it difficult for the organs in that channel to function. The organ that is weakest is the one that will produce the most symptoms.

With a few small injections of an anaesthetic at the site of the blockage, the energy flow is restored and the organs are able to function properly again.

These blockages are caused by scars, infections or neurological irritations. They are called "foci", "interference fields", "distortion fields",... and in case of high intensity, they can affect neighbouring channels.

These foci can be imagined as wells through which all the water passing through the channel (the meridian) is introduced, and prevent the water (the energy) from reaching other organs in the same meridian.

Here we talk especially about the use of neural therapy after tooth extractions that cause problems, because these energy channels passes through the teeth.

Also called "neural therapy" is the medical practice that seeks to find the origin of diseases when they are caused by these energy blockages.

What it consists of

It consists of small injections (0.2 cc) of a local anaesthetic (0.5% procaine) that "neurofocal" dentists perform after tooth extractions. They use thinner needles (0.3 mm) than the usual needles for insulin (0.35 mm). The injections are made in the place where the extraction was done after one week and after three weeks. These injections are very important for the body to re-establish the circulation of energy along the meridian that passes through the extracted tooth, and thus solve the problems that the tooth generated in another point of the same meridian.

Procaine is harmless, it has only a local effect because it is metabolised, it is destroyed in the blood, it does not reach any organ.

Types of diseases they produce

First the organs stop functioning normally, and then, with time, the organ becomes damaged or deformed, the damage becomes irreversible (see the list of diseases in Dr. Adler's book).

There are two charts (one, two) of organ-tooth correlations that can provide guidance as to where the blockage is. They also include vertebrae and other information.

In allergies, "irritation fields act as a sensitising factor, and dust, pollen etc. as a triggering factor. We see this especially well in fresh cases where elimination is often accompanied by immediate success". (source: Adler)


  1. Find where the foci are (they can be anywhere on the body, although they are usually on the teeth).

  2. Eliminate them (by removing cavities, devitalised teeth, pus pockets, poorly developed teeth,...).

  3. Restoring the free circulation of energy through the affected meridian with small injections of anaesthetic (the injections are practically painless).

It can be imagined in the following way:

Like a road where there has been a landslide that has cut it off. The traffic police will quickly put up barriers to prevent vehicles from passing through. Then workers will come to repair the road. But it is not enough to repair the road (to remove what was damaging us), we have to remove the barriers that announced the landslide. This removal of the barriers is neural therapy (in the form of a small injection of anaesthetic). With this, the body knows that it can use this meridian again, that what was disturbing it has been removed.

How to find the focus

Therapists (in Germany they teach neural therapy in medical studies), apply various techniques:

Why neural therapy is very important

Because when we have a tooth that is killing us, it is not enough to remove it. Just as after breaking a bone, and doing everything necessary for it to heal, we must do muscular rehabilitation for all the time we have had that area immobilised, neural therapy is the nervous rehabilitation of that point that has been causing nervous excitement for so long.

Continuing with the metaphor of the well, it is not enough just to blind it, we have to reconstruct the channel that passes through it that had been destroyed by the sinkhole. This reconstruction is the anaesthetic injections.

What can lead to outbreaks

X-rays are useful to find the foci in the teeth, but they are not decisive.

"Since the publication of the second edition we have been able to observe multiple fields of irritation caused by composite fillings and distant effects caused by them. In many cases it is difficult to localise the problem, especially when there is no pain, because radiologically nothing is visible, because only pulp degeneration has occurred. The vitality test of this tooth (measurements and tests) naturally clarifies the question."

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for doctors to find the foci in the sick people, because more and more interventions are made on the teeth, on the whole body, and we abuse drugs, which block the simple, direct, visible, obvious and natural response of the body.


When teeth have been the cause of vision problems, healing begins two months after the focus has been eliminated. The focus is on the same side as the affected eye (Adler).

(2025/1/30) New article on detoxification and added a few paragraphs on parasites to the article on Shank Prakshalana.

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