(with annotated excerpts from Dr. Adler's book)
Caries are not caused externally (an attack of bacteria) but internally. This is explained in an article in issue 175 of DSalud.com magazine. In other words, caries is nothing more than bacteria eating away at a part of the tooth that has been damaged from the inside.
The article explains that a liquid flows out through the teeth that protects them from any dirt we put on them.
This flow is interrupted during blood sugar spikes and for other reasons (perhaps emotional, as Hamer points out).
When this flow is interrupted, the surface of the tooth is deprotected and demineralised and this is when bacteria eat away at the dead part of the tooth (caries).
This is consistent with what Hamer and others say that bacteria only come to remove what is already decayed, that they are the sweepers that pick up the dirt, they are not the ones that caused the decay.
Blood sugar spikes can be caused by a malfunctioning pancreas or by drinking or eating things with sugar in them (which causes spikes in blood sugar levels followed by deep dips that force us to eat again). It is not that leftover sugar in the mouth is food for bacteria.
Cavities may not hurt, even deep cavities that affect the pulp. The damage they can cause can begin to manifest itself far from the tooth (earache, swelling in the hand, arthritis, paralysis, sciatica, rheumatism, etc.).
Depending on their position, they can be difficult to see, and some are only visible on X-rays, as they have developed inside the tooth with a small hole towards the outside.
case of photo 155 (from Dr. Adler's book)
case of Mrs. P.S., 50 years old, Lloret de Mar.
They can cause all kinds of diseases, which are described throughout the book.
Moreover, even if the cavities do not reach the pulp (they are small, superficial cavities) they may be causing problems.
"After three years the same thing happened, without the caries reaching the pulp. The neural irritation, as it was a superficial caries, also subgingival, produced the same symptoms again." (image case 187)
It seems best not to use a drill, as Dr. Carlón mentioned here, or, for example, using an air jet with silica particles, as they do in this clinic in Milan.
Fillings are always more or less toxic:
Those with amalgam (mercury) because of the toxicity of the mercury (be careful, there are people who are not harmed by amalgam or metals).
"Composites" because of the toxicity of their components.
"The extremely toxic effect of the residual monomers of the composites on the dental pulp, increased by heating during the hardening process, is hardly avoidable even by the usual base repletion. Small parts of the dentine, which are not base-repleated as it usually occurs in the area of the front teeth, corrode the pulp. (183)".
(Composites contain a plastic - "residual monomer" - which the dentist hardens by applying a special light. If he applies too much composite and too little light,... more residual monomers remain, unhardened plastic, liquid).
(By "base repletion", it seems to indicate the first layers of other materials that the dentist applies before the composite is placed. They serve to better hold the composite to the tooth and separate the composite from the pulp).
Fillings can cause the pulp (the innermost, living part of the tooth) to die:
"Small defect in the enamel, filled a few weeks ago with a composite material. Although it is only a small area of friction, the pulp devitalised in a short time".
"one premolar had a composite filling (Adaptic), which had not felt any pain in this tooth, and despite this not only the pulp had been killed but also a large apical osteitis had formed, as is clearly visible in the X-ray (Image no. 184)."
and these dead pulps may not be visible on X-rays:
"In many cases it is difficult to localise the problem, especially when there is no pain, because radiologically nothing is visible, because only a degeneration of the pulp occurred. The vitality test of this tooth (measurements and tests) naturally clarifies the question".
Evolution of fillings over time
"In thousands of cases, we have been able to establish that the secondary caries is not a secondary caries but, when viewed under the microscope, partially originates from before the filling was carried out, because at the time and due to pain it was not possible to carry out a correct preparation (I am not talking here about cases of personal negligence). Here the difficulties do not only start with the devitalised tooth with its root repletion, but also in the teeth, either completely or partially, i.e. due to pulp degeneration, either due to secondary caries, or due to insufficient insulation of the filling (cement-silicone-plastic material), but often even due to deep amalgam fillings, also without sufficient thermal insulation, which, due to the cold-heat effect, leads to pulp degeneration. Another negative effect is caused by excessive heat when polishing the teeth for prosthetic work".
If the caries is large or affects the pulp,...
"It has to be matured a lot and if the decision has been taken, it has to be done conscientiously and skillfully. The best solution is one which, after exodontia, proceeds to a thorough cleaning of the osteitic apical focus. Apicoectomy, although it preserves the dentition, does not give us the certainty that irritating stimuli with disastrous distant effects do not continue to radiate from the gum and the osseous scar".
After extractions, neural therapy is necessary.
(2025/1/30) New article on detoxification and added a few paragraphs on parasites to the article on Shank Prakshalana. |
In Spain you can buy sea water at cheap price at any diet store and some supermarkets. Examples: this diet store, this pharmacy (at higher price), this supermarket. There is also an organic bakery making bread with sea water and sells it too. There are 5 companies bottling and selling sea water because there is a lot of people drinking sea water on a daily basis. If you at your country become a critical mass of people interested in sea water, companies offering it will arise. So, it's in your hands, sharing this information meeting your friends, by phone or social networks, to make the conditions where these companies will appear and make sea water even more available to all the people. |
Work in progress. |